
"I started getting lonely when I moved in on my own."

Martyn, 41, has Asperger's Syndrome. He lives alone after spending time in a hospital and care home following a suicide attempt. Although glad to be independent in his own home, Martyn was housebound due to anxiety and lonely to the point of considering "doing something silly".


Depressed and unbearably lonely, Martyn reached out to his health support team, but they were unable to offer any immediate help. Fortunately for Martyn, a different health worker put him in touch with Seachange, and his life began to turn around.

After a few introductory meetings, we suggested that Martyn might benefit from a befriender. Although Martyn was extremely anxious as he finds meeting new people difficult and doesn't like anyone getting close to him, he was willing to give it a go. Julie became his befriender and gradually began to earn his trust.

At Julie's suggestion, Martyn started coming to the SeaConnections Café, our informal weekly group where people meet to chat and have a cuppa. He hated the first session, but with Julie's support, he continued to come and found it easier each week. Martyn is now a regular at the group.

Reflecting on his experience at Seachange, Martyn says:

"Seachange has changed my life. It's really helped me."

Thanks to Seachange's support, Martyn is a lot happier, manages better at home, and is now a befriender for someone else.

We want to help more people like Martyn, but we can't do it alone. Please click here to set up a regular donation and help us combat loneliness in our community.


“These are amazing facilities. I feel I can offer my clients a better service in Seachange than anywhere else.”

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