
"You suddenly find you're really lost."

After 61 years of marriage, Kathy was isolated and lonely following the death of her husband. Her limited mobility made getting out of the house and meeting people difficult. She felt lost and abandoned.


Kathy heard about Seachange via another local charity and decided to attend our Thursday activity club. She left the first one thinking, "It's not for me," but fortunately, her daughter-in-law persuaded her to return.

Kathy says:

"It's never good the first time, as you don't know anyone. So, I went a couple more times, and I started to love it. When you first come you're worried about remembering people, and then you realise it doesn't matter. You get to know the people sitting on either side of you. Then, you slowly get to know everyone else. It's lovely."

Thursdays are now the highlight of Kathy's week.

Kathy's physical disability means she struggles to get to Seachange on her own, so our volunteer drivers collect her from home on our community bus and bring her to the door. She finds the banter on the bus as much a highlight as the activity itself!

Kathy's now a regular visitor to Seachange and not just on a Thursday. She loves attending our monthly Film Club, has enjoyed several Seachange day trips and has joined our new Seachange Book Club.

We asked Kathy, "What does Seachange mean to you?" and she replied:

"When I first started coming here, it changed my life. I can't imagine my life without Seachange. I don't know what I'd do without it. I really don't."

We want to help more people like Kathy, but we can't do it alone. Please click here to set up a regular donation and help us combat loneliness in our community.


Seachange gives a focus, company and different conversations. Without it I think Ken would be very lonely.

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