Why leave your gift to Seachange?
Many people of all ages are people are lonely and isolated in East Devon. This can have a profound impact on a person's health. Struggling alone can create so much difficulty in all areas of life. At Seachange we know how much vital support can change lives. Thankfully, Seachange is determined to be here for the growing number of people who need help.
If like Seachange, you believe no one should be lonely and isolated, facing life on their own, please consider remembering Seachange in your will. It is the best way to ensure there will be help for people who feel helpless.

How to make a Will
Make a free will online – Make or update your will in less than 30 minutes with our partners at Kwil. Our free will service, allows anyone 18+ to easily write or update a simple Will for free.
Make or update your will in person - Contact your Solicitor and update your will to include Seachange Charity Number 1196379.
What types of gifts can I give?
- Residuary gift – This can be all or a percentage of your estate once all other bequests and costs have been deducted.
- Pecuniary gift – This is a particular sum of money e.g. £3,000.
- Specific Gift - A specific gift in a will is a bequest of a particular item or property to a named individual. A specific gift, for example, could be an artwork, a collection or an antique.
If you wish to amend your Will you can make changes to your Will using a codicil form. You must sign a codicil and get it witnessed in the same way as witnessing a Will. You can approach your solicitor directly about this.
You are under no obligation to pledge a gift to Seachange nor tell us if you choose to do so.

Free Wills Month
Take advantage of Free Wills Months in March and October. If you're 55 or older, you can create or update your Will at no cost with a participating solicitor.

Seachange gives a focus, company and different conversations. Without it I think Ken would be very lonely.