16 Jul 21Make The Change. Seachange.

If you are a regular reader of my column, you will know that the Hub is an amazing place that does amazing things for amazing people. You will also know that our remit is to help those primarily in Woodbury, Exmouth, Budleigh (WEB) and surrounding villages. That is not to say we turn anyone away from Sidmouth for example, because we don’t. However, we do concentrate our efforts on those main areas.

We want to ensure those communities are served by the Hub. Therefore, we know we have to expand our horizons and vision, to make sure we actually reach those communities and the ‘hard to reach’ groups within them. We know that some people think the Hub is just for those that live in Budleigh. Not true. We know that some people think the Hub only offers services at the Hub. Not true. We recognise that we need to develop new services and offerings to truly reach these groups and areas.

More than that, we need an offering that will entice and be an inspiring programme of support for our local communities.

The Hub carries on. We have just renamed the range of services and activities that we provide here, and elsewhere in the WEB area, and called the whole programme Seachange. In addition to what we have now, we will offer more services and activities in additional locations to more people, in Exmouth and Woodbury as well as in Budleigh Salterton.

Seachange. Our Seachange programme has been created to boost health and happiness, which we know are closely linked, helping us to lead more fulfilling lives, regardless of age. Perhaps you, or someone you know, wants to tone up and keep fit, is feeling a little isolated, a bit low, or maybe just wants to get out and about and meet people. Getting active can energise you and taking up a new hobby is a great way to feel more positive.

Much of what we offer, for example our gym, activities, childcare, physio and our café for cake and a chat, is already available at the Hub in Budleigh Salterton. If the answer lies elsewhere, then we’ll help you to find it, as we’re also a signposting service.

Once Covid restrictions allow, we will start the launch of Seachange’s services and activities at the Hub, and a gradual expansion into other areas in the WEB area. You may have already spotted our community transport car with its striking livery! Our new Seachange website will be available next week along with new signage and promotional material.

Pop into the Hub for a chat, phone us, or explore our new website, where you’ll find all you need to know. You can also talk to your GP about how Seachange can help you. Seachange is also a great opportunity to meet other people.

The Seachange programme’s main purpose is to make people happier and healthier, but it also saves our NHS a great deal of money. A healthier population means fewer people need to use hospital services. Last year Seachange saved our NHS £340,000! What a difference a Seachange makes. Find out more by emailing help@seachangedevon.org or calling 01395 446896.

Marc Jobson, Seachange Manager

Article first appeared in the Exmouth Journal on 12/05/2021


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Make The Change. Seachange.

“These are amazing facilities. I feel I can offer my clients a better service in Seachange than anywhere else.”

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