About UsOur Partners

Westbank Community Health and Care

Westbank League of Friends was established in 1986 and has been a registered charity for over 20 years.

We work to empower and improve the health of communities and individuals across Devon and to become a voluntary sector leader for development and innovation across Devon and the southwest region. The culture has always had a strong emphasis on the core values of the organisation and the type of people who work within it feel passionate about working for a charity that delivers a local service for local people.


  • 1986: Devon-based charity Westbank Community Health and Care, officially launched with 24 volunteers who made over 800 visits to 150 patients in the 1st year
  • 1998: the first carers group was launched
  • 1999: we welcomed children to our new playscheme in Starcross
  • 2005: our Healthy Living Centre opened its doors, providing services for the local community
  • 2007: became a company limited by guarantee
  • 2008: opened a charity shop in Starcross
  • 2008: launched county-wide Devon Carers Link
  • 2014: launched Neighbourhood Friends
  • 2016: Living Well Taking Controlachieved national provider status form NHS England
  • 2018: Budleigh Hub/Seachange opened its doors which Westbank ran
  • 2018: Devon Adult and Young Carers contracts awarded
  • 2018: launched the first diabetes prevention social impact bond, Healthier Devon, in England
  • 2021: Westbank Neighbourhood Friends receive the Queens Award for Volunteering.
  • 2021 Westbank moved Seachange into its' own independently run charity.

Today Westbank employs over 250 members of staff and have 550+ volunteers supporting thousands of people across Devon.

Westbank still support Seachange with their professional advice and guidance.

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Devon Intergrated Care Board

We are the organisation responsible for planning, commissioning (or buying) and developing healthcare services for the 1.2 million people who live in Devon. Our mission is to work together to commission the right services to improve the lives of those who live in Devon

Our vision and ambitions

Our vision is simple: equal chances for everyone in Devon to lead long, happy and healthy lives. But there is much to be done to achieve it.

We are committed to improving and our performance for waiting times for non-urgent operations, accident and emergency departments, and test results designed to help GPs diagnose illnesses.

And we are committed to working together because we know people’s physical and mental health and well-being are influenced by more than just the care they get from their local GP or hospital.

Things like where they live, how much money they have, their genetics, how much exercise they do and their environment all influence someone’s physical and mental health.

The views of local people, the challenges we will face in the coming years and our need to improve services all helped shape our vision and the plan to achieve it.

Our ambitions

To deliver our vision, and to rise to these challenges, we are setting out six ambitions for the next five years that will help us transform services and redesign the way we provide care. Everything we do will aim to realise these 6 ambitions:

Ambition 1: Effective and efficient care

Collaborate across the system to address quality (safety, effectiveness, experience) and productivity.

Ambition 2: Integrated Care Model

Systematic delivery of the integrated – or joined up – care across Devon.

Ambition 3: The Devon deal

A citizens-led approach to health and care. We will adopt a new approach to reduce differences in care across the county and will work with communities to identify priorities and tackle the root causes of problems.

Ambition 4: Children and young people

Working together with children, young people and their families. We want all children and young people in Devon to have the best start in life, grow up in loving and supportive families, and be happy, healthy and safe.

Ambition 5: Digital Devon

Invest in a digital Devon: people will only tell their story once, the first contact will be digital and more advice and help will be available online. We want to make the most of advances in digital technology to help people stay well, prevent ill health, and provide care.

Ambition 6: Equally well in Devon

Work together to tackle the physical health inequalities for people with mental illness, learning disabilities and/or autism.

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Royal Devon University Healthcare Foundation Trust

The RD&E provides safe, compassionate and high quality integrated health and care services in Exeter and across Eastern and Mid-Devon to around 450,000 people.

One of the first NHS Foundation Trusts nationally, we are directly accountable to and work hand-in-hand with local people and communities. The Trust has earned a national and international reputation for the provision of high quality healthcare, innovation, research and education.

We provide a wide range of outpatient services for our community at Seachange. These include retinal eye scanning, stoma care, adult and child bladder and bowl, AAA screening, cardiac support, podiatry, physiotherapy, Parkinson Clinics and geriatric care.

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League of Friends of Budleigh Salterton Hospital

The League of Friends of the Budleigh Salterton Hospital was founded in 1948 at the time of the creation of the NHS.

Its objectives were to relieve the patients of the Budleigh Salterton Hospital who are sick, convalescent and infirm, and, generally, to support the charitable work of the Hospital. This has been the League’s calling in all the intervening years to this day. The League donated many hundreds of thousands of pounds over the years to improve the wellbeing of patients, from buying equipment to ward refurbishment.

Whilst there is no longer a hospital nothing has changed. The League donated some £600,000 to help set up the Health and Wellbeing Hub in 2017/18. Since then it has continued to support Seachange financially.

Members of the League also volunteer in a variety of capacities which enhance the services and activities at Seachange.

Traditionally, the League has depended upon donations and legacies, and continues to rely on these sources of income.

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Budleigh Community Workshop Trust

Makes us stronger in practical ways

Budleigh Community Workshop Trust is an East Devon-based Social Enterprise Charity sustained by the commitment of local volunteers who gave generously of their time and practical expertise for the betterment and wellbeing of the Community.

Based at the old Budleigh fire station their specially designed workshop and meeting room facilities were refurbishment and open for practical, creative and social activities, community support, and learning opportunities.

BCWT Website
BCWT Logo 2020

Budleigh Lions

Budleigh Salterton Lions Club has members from Budleigh Salterton, East Budleigh, Otterton and Exmouth. They support a range of good causes, charities and projects in our local community, including Seachange, through fundraising, events and volunteering.

Budleigh Lions has sponsored the Sensory Garden at Seachange set up to provide a space for all accessing Seachange services to sit and enjoy nature in the Seachange Community Garden. Seachange and Budleigh Lions regularly participate in Litter Pick walks to help keep Budleigh beautiful and litter-free. Budleigh Lions also funds the Diabetes Support Group, a friendly and understanding space at Seachange where you can connect with others who share your experiences.

Lions are ordinary people, who volunteer and do extraordinary things to help others and support good causes. Lions Clubs are places where individuals join together to give their valuable time and effort to improving their communities and the world. Their members love to make a difference and make things happen.

Because they are local, they serve the unique needs of the local communities in which we live. As they are global, they can also address community challenges wherever they occur.

Budleigh Salterton Lions Club now oversees the Budleigh Community Allotment on Greenway Gardens. The allotment is open to anyone in the community who is interested in being outdoors, learning about growing food and socialising with like-minded people. Local residents who may be isolated, have a disability or other condition are welcome as well as anyone waiting for an allotment or giving one up because they cannot manage it on their own. If you are interested in becoming involved with the Community Allotment,

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Visitors to Seachange per year


Saved to Health and Social Care


Journeys to Covid vaccinations centres

Our Partners

“The Seachange is an inspiring and comforting place. It is a real community and I feel proud and privileged to be part of it.”

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